As a printed packaging manufacturer, we are committed to continuously improving the environmental impact and performance of our operations. Our goal is to achieve this by fully understanding our energy use and minimizing the adverse environmental effects resulting from our activities or processes company-wide. We are an organization that establishes mutually beneficial, close working relationships with our customers and suppliers to share knowledge and reduce our environmental impact. With our high sustainability targets, we aim to minimize the negative effects of our operations and products on the environment while maximizing their positive impacts on our stakeholders, consumers, and society.

Our objectives include:

  • Minimizing energy consumption wherever possible and practical.
  • Increasing the percentage of our waste that is recycled or reused.
  • Reducing the amount of packaging materials we use.
  • Recycling all other materials as much as possible.
  • Sourcing from local suppliers wherever practical.
  • Establishing an internal environmental committee to address environmental issues.
  • Complying with all existing environmental laws, regulations, compliance rules, and legal requirements.

This environmental policy is communicated to all personnel working for or on behalf of our organization and is available to the public. Ongoing training and communication programs ensure that employees are aware of both the company’s and their own environmental responsibilities. We are aware of our responsibility in implementing this policy to achieve our environmental goals and to encourage continuous dialogue about environmental concerns at every level within the company.